Please contact me to get latest updates, advance information, booking details and individual flyers for any of these events. Thankyou!
February 15th
Healing Vibrations
The Singing Heart and West Coast Wuji are teaming up to offer an inspiring day using the power of voice for healing.
MORNING: Qigong with Suse Coon of West Coast Wuji
It has long been known that sound vibrations have powerful effects and the Chinese have employed this knowledge in a form of Qigong (energy work) called the Six Healing Sounds. Each sound focuses on the five organs and the triple heater meridian and is accompanied by simple movements to enhance the effects of the sounds.The morning will include work on breathing and balance before going into these Six Healing Sounds. Participants will also receive a worksheet to enable them to practise at home, should they wish.
AFTERNOON: Healing Song with Suekali of The Singing Heart
Sue Kali is an inspiring singing workshop leader who integrates many decades of study of Indian raga, natural voice global harmony and body and breath work into an approach that enables everyone to sing from the heart and body. Her approach is very helpful for people who feel they 'cannot sing' as much as those who are more confident or even professional. The focus in the afternoon will be on healing vibration and resonance in the voice.
You can book for the whole day or just one session.
Refreshments will be provided and we welcome you to bring your own vegetarian lunch to share .There are also local places to purchase meals and food.
COMPLETE BEGINNERS WELCOME! This will be gentle and nourishing
VENUE: The Wee Retreat CIC, 2 Myrtle Park, Glasgow G42 8UQ
£30/£50 (EBD) £35/£65
EBD 19th January
March 28th/29th
Song of the Heart
Learn to sing from the heart - join us on this gentle and profound journey enabling you to sing from a place of profound relaxation, letting your whole body resonate, finding a voice you never knew you had. Suekali has decades of experience helping people of all ages and backgrounds find their voices. Using Indian classical raga and songs from our own cultures and backgrounds, supported by First Nature body and breath work, you will be nourished and held in this gentle, supportive weekend. Complete beginners and experienced singers equally welcome.
Times: 10am -5pm
Fees: £120 early bird (14th February), then £135. Includes refreshments and delicious lunch
Booking: 50% deposit secures your place. Deposits are non-refundable/transferable. Cheque, bank transfer or PayPal via website. Limited numbers so book soon!
Enquiries: Suekali on 01546 603883 /07776081909
£120 EBD (Before 14th Feb)
£135 full fee.
May 15th - 18th
Isle of Lismore, Argyll
Heart Song Lismore
This is the time for deep listening, meeting our feelings and sounding from the heart. A rare and timely gathering on the magical island of Lismore, Argyll with Mairi Campbell and Sue Kali.
Sue brings her unique ability to cross the East/West musical bridge and share her deep knowledge of the ancient Indian tradition of raga singing and heart based voice.
Mairi's facilitation allows profound and playful encounters through voice, story and movement, helping all participants find common threads and friendship.
DATES: 7pm Friday 15th - lunchtime Monday 18th May
TRAVEL: There are two ferry routes to Lismore. From Oban - 55 minutes. Pick-ups from the 2pm or 5pm ferry on Friday. A return for a passenger costs £5.70. Port Appin ferry which is further north along the coast and takes about 10 minutes, hourly. £3.50 return. Details are on the Calmac Website. You can get to Oban by train or bus from Glasgow.
VENUE: The workshop will be held at Carnie Cottage - Mairi’s stunning converted cottage and purpose built music workshop in the centre of the island.
ACCOMMODATION and FOOD: the Lismore Bunkhouse is a 10 minute walk away and is comfy, warm and very friendly. Lunch and dinner are included in the booking fee. Breakfast at the bunkhouse.
WORKSHOP FEES: Includes: 3 days workshop, accommodation, lunch and evening meal. Options (depending on availability) Small dorm (3 bunk beds) £250, for a twin room £270 and for the single room £300. - Breakfast at the bunkhouse for c.£10 for the 3 days and paid directly to the owner.
Please state your accommodation preferences/requirements when booking (e.g. lower bunk).
BOOKING: Directly with Mairi Campbell